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Shah Rukh Khan thinks Priyanka Chopra is dating Nick Jonas on the rebound

    PC has been painting the town in America red with Nick Jonas. As in, their fake romance is going on full swing over in the west. Back home, it seems that someone from Shah Rukh Khan’s side felt the need to give his/her thoughts regarding PC’s new relationship. SKJ had a snippet of what that friend thought and this is word by word what was written:

    Shah Rukh Khan thinks Priyanka Chopra is dating Nick Jonas on the rebound

    What you are reading is correct. For some reason, SKJ’s own authored articles come out like if he is typing like this:

    Either that or he has a cat/cats!

    We think he must have meant:

    Says a close friend of the actor-superstar, the superstar couldn’t offer her the stability of marriage, and still wanted the relationship to continue, Priyanka did a very brave thing. She put an end to the relationship firmly and moved on instead of hanging on to a relationship with no future.

    It is a little strange whoever SRK’s friend is, he decided to call a journalist to give him his thoughts on PC’s new romance. Is this really what happened between SRK and PC? Because the way she came out with the jacket and all didn’t seem like it. It is a little too late to go with: What in the world were you thinking getting with a married man like that? We’ll just go with:

    Also, the Nick Jonas relationship is not a real one. Everyone knows this by now. So, which side is this friend on?


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    42 thoughts on “Shah Rukh Khan thinks Priyanka Chopra is dating Nick Jonas on the rebound”

    1. PC isnt like rekha, she aint gonna sit around and wait for whenever srk gets time to see her and hide and have a relationship. Just like amitabh wife, srk wife aint divorcing him so he can live his life with his true love. PC is hoping that by her being seen with others maybe srk will give it all up and decide not to end up like amitabh and rekha. I hope he really choose PC and live out the rest of his life in happiness. He loves her. He isnt the srk from yesteryear, he is sour and it is showing in his movies. If he choose PC he will be happy and it will show in his acting. PC and SRK forever.

      1. I am laughing hard after reading your comment about srk emotions or current state of mind. Do you live with him to say so firmly that SRK looking unhappy without PC. 😂😂

      2. Would you feel the same if your husband falls in love with someone else and decides to leave you and your kids because he is in love and will keep him happy ? Have some empathy for the wife . Both SRK and PC are to blame for what they did to his wife and kids and they dont deserve to live out their life in happiness. This is coming from a life long srk fan.

      3. Yuck! Stop creating dumb fantasies. Nobody in love hides their woman like a dirty secret and lets people think of her as a mistress or side chick. Dignity and respect are the foundations of love. Lots of directors and producers warned SRK against getting married because single heros are preferred for a female fanbase. He chose to throw it all aside and marry Gauri. He would even refuse magazine covers because in those days they expected sleazy poses with other women. This is when he was just starting out and really needed the fame and publicity but he still refused on account of it being disrespectful to Gauri. He has shown absolutely no inclinations like that for Priyanka and has zero interest in giving her anything more. He doesn’t love her and PC should realize that and move on. Constantly targeting him with gossip and blinds won’t bring him to her. It will just make him more confident that he was right in staying away from her.

      4. SRK, sour? Where?

        I think PC got pissed because she put her reputation on line for SRK (after the Akshay fiasco) and then it didn’t work out. I honestly thought she was okay being SRK’s “friend”, get all those plum endorsements/work deals home (also from what i have read here, even in America.) and have SRK for company on and off. Maybe not.

      5. hahahah please ppl dont get ur panties all twisted lol its just me living in my bollywood delusional world lol you people take these drama obsess ppl too seriously 🙂

      6. @SRKFanK Fans dont see the inner turmoil their idol are undergoing. Non fans like me reads him like a book. The closest ppl to you hardly notice you at all.@bollywoodjunkie things happen, life happens. I rather live without a happy man than live my life with an unhappy man. @tina if SRK was in love with his wife would he have had PC as his mistress? There is no love there anymore between SRK and Gauri. Or are you a delusional fan too who is saying that there was NOTHING between SRK and PC? If so you are not worth replying to.

    2. So I have stalking this forum for a while and I am quite tired of PC’s bullshit. Even us mango folk know that her relationship with the Jonas boy is fake! So as if SRK is going to buy this! Being out of work and more so, not being in the limelight is driving her bat crazy! Maybe she wants SRK to get her projects – the jacket gate incident was a sly blackmail from her part! I have a feeling even Bharath materialized coz of SRK…why else would Salman take anyone from outside of his harem?

      She would probably go insane if she were to lose all her stardom! The cracks are showing now. And then she goes around talking about woman power! I hate that word so much now!

      1. FYI,Bharat happened because of director Ali Abbas Zafar who is now a fav of Salman. PC has stepped in for Gunday when Kat had refused at the last moment… It’s Ali’s way of paying her back.. Also PC is close to Arpita since many years now… Though Salman and PC relationship has been through ups and lows(more lows), her friendship with arpita was always been good… Though Salman and Shahrukh seem cordial now in public,they still maintain a certain distance from each others camps… Salman agreed to let PC be in his film only after he was sure that PC was out of SRK camp and had broken up with him… SRK would no way recommend her to Salman… Also Salman recently did two films with women in his harem..Tiger Zinda Hai with Kat and Race 3 with Jacky and Daisy… There is no way he would do two back to back films with them… Also the theme of Bharat is patriotism and needs an Indian and casting Kat, a british citizen,Jacky, a sri lankan citizen would have been misfit..The other ladies – Daisy and Zarine who are Indian,lack charisma to pull lead roles..

        Let me add some facts here – PC at the moment has Bharat, an untitled film with Shonali Bose,As per Rakesh Roshan’s comments,she will also be in Krrish 4. Just recently Vishal Bharadwaj said he wants to do a movie with PC. Unlike Shahid Kapoor whose relationship with Vishal has hit rock bottom,PC shares warm relationship with Vishal. PC has her hands full for a whole year and she is not out of work… In fact she is more busier than many of her contemporaries..

    3. hey admin have you heard what Akshay kumar said? ” Akshay Kumar revealed in an interview about how he wants to produce a film which has a strong female character, but the catch is that she has to be his girlfriend until the movie is complete and has to share the same bed, hehehe ROFL

      1. Is Mrs No-So FunnyBoney out of the country? Is this context from the same interview?

        “Akshay revealed that he was in talks with his co-star Nimrat Kaur from the hit movie ‘Airlift’ but nothing worked out. He went on to add that it’s high time the film industry started giving respect to their actresses as he feels that just like a hero, even heroines play crucial role in films.”

    4. Somebody hijacking my user name. Whoever wrote “ are you woman……” please get your own user name.

    5. I think SRK is too busy worrying about his box office appeal that he’ll have the time to think about PC.

      It must be really depressing seeing his fellow Khans make more money than him in the box office. Until ten years ago, he was the Khan with the highest grossing films. The King Khan. Now, even his die hard fans are hesitating to call him that. It must be really depressing that he has to refer to films he has done in the past (majorly DDLJ and Devdas) to validate his life work.

      Most likely the blind is from PC’s camp. She and Kangana are desperate and quite frankly have little to lose compared to the men they are dealing with.

      If only the younger ones like Ranveer, Varun and co would learn from the older ones and zip up when they get married. Ranbir is already suffering the consequences of dating and dumping two top actresses.

      1. If you pay attention to SRK or read his interviews, you will realize he is not depressed at all. He is in fact happier than he has been in a long, long time. He sounds very content with wherever his life has ended up. I think this is exactly the thing that is burning up Priyanka so much because he really has moved on happily and is busy with his own life. SRK isn’t the type to look back. I doubt he even thinks about her.

    6. @Monalisa – ok thankx! A break up text. Yikes. Sounds painful. Wondering who the mutual friend is…. mustaq sheikh? I havent seen him with Shah for a while now. (Thank God. He’s bad news)

      In other news, PC just arrived in India with Jonas. lol

    7. Hi.. I always enjoy your posts but I really want to point out one thing which bothers me now a days. You guys put a lot of gifs.. It becomes annoying while reading, as we are so focussed on the matter and gossip, the gifs really seem disturbing. I understand they are a part of sarcasm, humour and expression but it was so much better earlier when it was only written posts with a pic at the end.

    8. SRK has openly said he dislikes SKJ some years ago. Why would anyone from SRK’s clique tell him anything?

      She is doing exactly what she has been doing in Bolly land for the past couple of years. Living off link ups to be in news. Now that Quantico is cancelled, she has this stupid Nick Jonas thing on. if i were a fan, i would be offended/annoyed.

      SRK has bigger issues to worry about than PC’s
      fake relationship lol. Even PC knows nobody believes it hence the rebound articles.

    9. Oh come on it’s srk he clearly has means to find out that Nick bats for another team. This seems more an attempt to point out he’s still stuck on her. This might have to do with her book. Wondering does she plan to include all married/single men she dated in it or the one she herself chose to help in cheating on his wife for years.

    10. PC PR is working overnight or what? In both Hollywood and Bollywood. Yesterday it was Nick’s ex who though she couldn’t mesure to PC (what?) . Why is she so desperate? She doesn’t need this . She doesn’t need any of that. She is getting old it is time to stop. And her fans think she is an angel . What kind of bs

    11. This is fake or Jha has changed some words from the original article. Bollywood Hungama has been on a spree with these articles. A few days ago they had this:

      “A close friend of the actress says it isn’t a serious relationship. “Priyanka is a very friendly girl, and I’d even go as far as to say there’s a mutual attraction, though I doubt it is anything more than a warm friendship. We all know the love of Priyanka’s life is in Mumbai. She keeps throwing these red herrings about global attractions when her heart is clearly in Mumbai,” says the friend.”

      And today’s article was this:

      “All of Mumbai knows Priyanka was in a long stormy relationship with a major Bollywood superstar. Says a close friend of the actress, “When this superstar couldn’t offer her the stability of marriage, and still wanted the relationship to continue, Priyanka did a very brave thing. She put an end to the relationship firmly and moved on instead of hanging on to a relationship with no future.

      The resolute stand taken by Priyanka Chopra over a relationship that had no future echoes what the great Nargis did when Raj Kapoor couldn’t offer her the security of marriage. Nargis firmly terminated all personal and professional association with Raj Kapoor and married Sunil Dutt.”

      So is Priyanka Chopra doing the same in this case?

      I’m laughing hard at these articles. First the manipulation by Jha of changing the original words and then the thought that Priyanka’s “friends” (cough) are still spreading this stuff while doing the crazy Nick Jonas stuff too.

      She needs to get a life. Seriously Nargis? Hahahaha.

      1. and I am laughing at the comparison with the “great” Nargis. So what does the article imply? “The GREAT Priyanka?” ROFL

    12. SKJ must be confused whose friend the source is. PC was acting like a jilted lover, with the whole jacket gate, calling her ex MF (which she later claimed was misqoute), saying that heart break is a bitch, I have been in a very commited relationship, I’m single after a long time, (Feb 2018), I’m monagamist, I want kids..

      And why would SRK be bothered about her relationship with Nick?

      1. **her fake, pr relationship with Nick.
        Admin, SRK and PC do have mutual friends though. Remember that whole breakup text gate that happened a couple of years back.

      2. @monalisa hey PC is heading the raymond’s way in terms of PR way somehow even his exes never get over him. This is clearly an attempt to get some attention after the news of her book,
        This woman by her choice stayed in relationship with a married man and helped him cheat on his wife when you are a partner in crime stop expecting the outcome to be positive for you

      3. @leap You are so right. PC pr is really going out of therir way to give hints about her affair with SRK and make it look like it was she who dumped him and he is still keeping tabs on her love life.. Oh, please!!
        Eventhough I love SRK, I actually like PC too except when she goes overboard with pr. In her interviews since last year (after the breakup) she has been talking about wanting kids, marriage, wanting to find the right guy, how she is a romantic. If she genuinely wants these things she should move on from SRK and her fake pr relationship and try to find a guy who she can settle down with. And also stop using her pr to throw shades at SRK by releasing articles and she should stop giving interviews shading him like a jilted lover. The affair rumours have done enough damage to SRK’s family image, I highly doubt he will ever go back to her or leave Gauri fo her. Just move on PC!!

      4. @monalisa since last year her chances in HW have dwindled her show is canceled she didn’t exactly get any movies now she is trying everything on both shores wanting kids, marriage, wanting to find the right guy, how she is a romantic., pc/nick. I dont think any of it is helping what i dont get is she has enough money why doesn’t she get a good script and produce it

        SRK has nearly broken his home for this woman I am sure this haunts his family life even now that is his karma for cheating on his wife and after pc recent shenanigans trying to damage his image will not help her cause and there is no way seeing this side of her srk would leave his family now for vengeful pc

      5. @admin Thank you. I actually never believed the PC affair rumour until Kjo shaded her and the fallout that followed. SRK is flirty and touchy feely with all his heroines while promoting movies so him being like that with PC was nothing out of the ordinary. But until the jacket gate I thought they brokeup when she shifted to US for Quantico shooting in 2014. So never believed the blinds about them after she shifted. But apparaently we were all wrong.

      1. thanks @Tina. makes more sense. looks like PC trying to change the narrative. What happened to her? i used to really like her in Bollywood but she seems to have become despo and silly.

    13. its only the teens who like nick jonas who r intrstd in who hes dating..and hes not that huge either..i honetly think she can do much better..her dating standards dropped drastically if this is even true..looks too fake..
      dont think ppl in US really care abt her anymore..shes famous for the talk shows and red carpet appearances..

      1. Actually Nick Jonas is kinda huge. Not Weeknd Bieber huge but definitely huge. But then how huge do you think PC is in hollywood?

      2. i dont think nick jonas is huge..hes famous but not huge..
        and if shes dating an okayish celeb in hollywood after dating the biggest susperstar and one of the richest celebs..thats definitely a drop in her stadards n i dont think priyanka is tht stupid..she seems very calculative..if it was true love n all i wudnt include the money n power factor..but in this case i totally can..

        i know priyanka is not that famous forget huge in hollywood but considering her looks and the circle she has she can totally do much btr than nick jonas..u often see actresses with success less than hers finding loaded producers or multi millionaires and stable ppl who r either willing to settle down or give her movies n roles n offers..i dont think she wud settle for nick jonas..tht wud be a very immature decision..and i still think she can do btr than that

    14. if this is true than not surprising. PC doesn’t operate by her heart like Rekha who still holds a candle for Sr.B without any acknowledgment or promises from his side. She is very shrewd and business savvy and doesn’t want to waste her time and youth on an ambiguous relationship. The woman wants to make it big and she is going to try and get the best deal possible out there. Men are not judged for being aggressive so why should women be. She wants it all and that is fair to want it.Whether she will get it all only time will tell.

      1. Are you a woman? If you are, when your husband cheats on you, i hope you’ll be able to say the same thing about his mistress

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