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When you start to look like real parents

    Have to give to Kareena Kapoor for not having a care and stepping out looking like this when she spent months getting all dolled up before going out during her pregnancy. Even after she gave birth, she did put in that effort to look good, but like all new parents, there comes a time when you just give up and don’t care how you look as long as you are out. It’s exactly what Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor did when they stepped out for a party.

    When you start to look like real parents

    When you start to look like real parents


    When you start to look like real parents


    When you start to look like real parents

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    8 thoughts on “When you start to look like real parents”

      1. yup…and he probably thinks hes looking really hot in those shorts.. he deserves kareena only as a wife! Amrita was too intelligent for him..

    1. Admin: I thought they showed up this way for Soha Ali Khan’s birthday party, not for a premiere. But man, Saif’s shorts – wish I could unsee those. 😛 😛

    2. Is it only me or does anyone else think that Saif’s shorts end at an awkward length (for guys) ? I’m not used to seeing men wearing shorts that end mid thigh. is that a trend? Super awkward. lol.

      1. He always wears the shortest shorts – I notice the ends look like they were cut a bit shorter LOL!

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