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Pooja Hegde’s dreams of working with Hrithik Roshan came true with Mohenjo Daro

    We have to say when young girls saw Hrithik Roshan in his first film, working with him one day was the last thing on their little minds! But it seems that Pooja Hegde only dreamt of working with Hrithik when she first saw him at the age of 10 years old! We all know how after hiring Hrithik to play Samar in ‘Mohenjo Daro’, there was only not much left to hire an actress, so the director decided to go for this newcomer, who was previously in hte Miss India pageant. Here’s Pooja talking about how great it was to work with Hrithik Roshan.

    Pooja Hegde Interview

    Pooja Hegde's dreams of working with Hrithik Roshan came true with Mohenjo Daro


    Pooja Hegde on always wanting to work with Hrithik Roshan

    You always have a wish-list for Bollywood but to actually have that wish come true and get a role alongside a big actor like Hrithik Roshan is such a pleasure in life. Feels surreal. Most actresses wait for entire lives to work in a period film. I feel really lucky and can say that dreams do come true.

    Pooja on the first day of shooting with Hrithik

    Well, Hrithik has a great sense of humour. When I met him first he thought I lived in some village from South India and was shocked to know that I stay in Bandra itself (laughs). We had a great laugh over it and that’s how it all got started for us. It was a lot of fun on the sets.

    Pooja on why she did ‘Mohenjo Daro’

    I didn’t do it because it’s just a period film. I loved the story, the cast, and the director. With your first, they expect you to be brilliant with everything. And I don’t think I could have asked for a better film than Mohenjo Daro.


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