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Kanye West wants the money Mark Zuckerberg is giving to poor people!

    Yes, that is what Kanye West apparently wants. In a series of Twitter rants earlier this week, Kanye West has let the world known that he’s broke and is in a huge debt amounting to $53 million. When Kanye broke this news, the one thing in everyone’s mind is, “When is Kim Kardashaian leaving him?”. Rumour has it, she won’t leave him just yet as he’s still popular and still makes news. It used to be funny when Kanye West starts his rants about town, but it ain’t this funny anymore when we all know that he has a problem; a mental problem, to be exact.

    Before Kanye West sent out a tweet for Mark Zuckerberg, he addressed a tweet to his brothers first!

    I write this to you my brothers while still 53 million dollars in personal debt… Please pray we overcome…

    Kanye West’s Tweet for Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook

    Mark Zuckerberg invest 1 billion dollars into Kanye West ideas.

    Mark Zuckerberg invest 1 billion dollars into Kanye West ideas.


    Mark Zuckerberg’s Reaction to Kanye West’s Tweet

    After Kanye West publicly tweeted for Mark Zuckerberg, a friend of Mark posted this message of his Faceboo account to which Mark liked it. See if you understand why Mark liked this post:

    Mark Zuckerberg invest 1 billion dollars into Kanye West ideas.

    Obviously, there has always been some sort of war between Twitter and Facebook and if you are going to ask Mark Zuckerberg for something, do it on the social network that he founded not on his arch rival’s network!

    Read on how Kanye West went on to Mark Zuckerberg on Twitter

    Mark Zuckerberg invest 1 billion dollars into Kanye West ideas.

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