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Bollywood Blind Item – June 2019 – 10

    It is quite clear where most of Bollywood stand on the #MeToo movement. By most, we mean the men, who are also guilty, and the women, who blindly support them. Can you blame them, though?

    This is like someone comes to you today and tell you, “You shouldn’t brush your teeth when you wake up, it’s illegal to do that because you are harassing your teeth!”. This is the way they have been living for centuries, which is why we won’t see any change from inside the industry as long as the creeps are still ruling and still in action!

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    See this box-shaped actor, for example. He was said that he wants to beat up animals abusers and men to harass women and children. He doesn’t support any injustice against animals, women and children.

    Guess with all that steroids, he forgot his own words!

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    It will be interesting to see who dares to work with this creepy and pervert director next. Who has the guts to claim they don’t know what happened or they don’t remember?! If they do, Tanushree Dutta is here to remind them!

    Check out the blind item below from Rajeev Masand. By the way, if these creeps are coming back, as the audience, you have the choice to decide who you spend your money on!


    Bollywood Blind Item

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    Men Too

    After a strapping action star was spotted taking meetings with a director who’d been recently named and shamed in a #MeToo scandal, news followed that the actor would be making a movie with the disgraced filmmaker, thereby ‘rehabilitating’ him only months after he’d been dropped from a multi-starrer project.

    But now sources reveal that the actor may have chickened out after he came under attack from women’s groups and fans over his presumed apathy towards victims of abuse and harassment.

    Meanwhile, the director has told friends he was blindsided by the actor’s volte face. The filmmaker has said he was looking forward to getting back to work. But he has realised from this incident that redemption isn’t going to come so easy.

    OSOP Guesses

    Director: Sajid Khan

    Actor: John Abraham



    Director Sajid Khan and actor John Abraham on Wednesday dismissed reports of a collaboration. The denial comes in the wake of reports which suggested John will star in a comedy film directed by Sajid.

    Sajid has been away from Bollywood ever since multiple sexual misconduct allegations against him emerged in the wake of the #MeToo movement in India.

    When we at got in touch with Sajid Khan, he stated that news about a film with John is not true as Indian Film and Television Association (IFTDA) has banned him

    Sajid said, “It is not true, I have been suspended by the director’s association and I have not been working since the last six months.”

    The director added, “I will finish my suspension period and only then consider work.”

    The spokesperson of John Abraham Entertainment too denied the collaboration between John Abraham and Sajid Khan. The spokesperson said, “There is no truth to it.”

    John Abraham was last seen in Robby Grewal’s Romeo Akbar Walter (RAW). He will next be seen in Anees Bazmee’s comedy film Pagalpanti.

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    9 thoughts on “Bollywood Blind Item – June 2019 – 10”

    1. Admin, can we cover the Nana Patekar acquittal? Boils my blood that he got away even after video footage of MNS goons harassing Tanushree

      1. Sadly, there is no new update. What has happened now has happened years ago when Tanushree originally filed! The way it’s going, everyone will pretend to forget about the guilty ones… until the media reminds them, that is!

    2. Just breaks my heart to see all these creeps come back to work as if they did nothing wrong. From Nana-crazy-Patekar, to Vikas Behn to Aloknath. Worse is that the big fish wee never outed – Ajah D, Askhay, Amitabj Baxhchan. In my eyes even the khans are creepy. Who has ‘affairs’ with women their kids’ age if not creepy

    3. Yeah.. I agree with harsha… Seems like the funny admin has gone on vacation.. I liked his/her posts a lot..

    4. Did the admin change from the past week? i see a difference in the writing style, i loved the previous articles as there was more humour when reading between the lines.

      your ardent reader.

      1. What happened is, we went out to look for Eid ka chand but was mistakenly abducted by Xenu 👽 who brainwashed us into thinking Tom Cruise is the best actor in the world until Xenu realized we weren’t Katie Holmes, Nicole Kidman or Mimi Rogers and let us go! 😉 We have been working hard and late this week hence the change in tone, maybe. We don’t feel different, so…🤡

    5. Desperation to get a hit movie drives stars to support bad people. These stars themselves have no
      respect for emotions so it is very natural for them to be completely selfish and fully self-centered.
      The good thing is that people are now aware. Hope these movies fail.

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