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Bollywood Blind Item – July 2019 – 10

    This is the third time a blind item about the same couple and the third angle. Hah! What is that saying, “What goes around, comes around”. No wait! That’s also a Justin Timberlake song.

    Anyways, let’s go ahead and assume that this blind item is true. There seems to be trouble in this house of tandoor, which by the way is how this man’s family got famous and super rich.

    At this point, let’s wait and see. Is she still denying him the divorce? Or will she accept once he gives her enough money? After all, he does support her whole family financially.

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    Bollywood Blind Item


    This TV Actress Is Turning Out To Be A Homebreaker For A Bollywood Couple

    When Bollywood meets Television, the amalgamation is not always sweet! Ask this vandalised wife, whose husband of 10 years is nowadays painting the town red with this famous TV actress

    You must have heard many celebrities saying that the line between Bollywood and Television is constantly blurring. Well, it surely is and looks like not only in the professional scenario but personal lives too.

    This hot TV actress, famous for her sultry looks and personality has stolen a Bollywood actress’ husband’s heart! She is ruling his senses and the man is head over heels for her. She has been in the industry for 18 years while this Bollywood couple has been married for 10 long years.

    The lady, who has got the man smitten by her looks, was a part of a blockbuster film, last year. She has had a number of heartbreaks, a few of them even drove her to near depression but this one seems to be for keeps, considering the man has been constantly ignoring work and family for her.

    The vandalised wife is meanwhile trying to get back to Bollywood and rebuild her career. She had given up her glorious run after marriage to take care of her family, barring a few TV shows which required a few hours of the day. Tch, Tch! Loyalty does not always pay!


    OSOP Guesses

    Wife: Shilpa Shetty

    Husband: Raj Kundra

    TV Actress: Karishma Tanna

    Blockbuster: Sanju

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    9 thoughts on “Bollywood Blind Item – July 2019 – 10”

    1. Isnt Karishma Tanna dating Pearl V Puri? I doubt this ones true

      @Admin: your thoughts?

    2. Shipping is aware of raj’s dirty business secrets. Hence, this time for Raj, divorce means burning huge hole in pocket. It’s shipping who would gain maximum benefit in all of this process.

        1. the person whom you are talking about made a married man leave his wife and daughter without any money. he even went to the extent of calling his wife mad to escape from alimony. when these people are themselves not loyal then on what grounds can they expect loyalty from others? agree that it takes 2 hands to clap, but she could have avoided breaking a marriage. be it any gender, rich or poor, laws of universe are the same for all. she is trying very badly to get back into movies. the need to trap a rich guy makes them forget all ethics and values, now when she is getting a taste of her own medicine, so she can’t cry foul

    3. Always hear people say karma’s a bitch when it comes to women stealing men. But what about the husband? How will karma bite his ass? Or does it ever for men who are rich/powerful? He seems to be happy.

      1. he is not getting new business deals. old associates are stuck with weird contract terms so they have to deal with it. partnership which he had with akshay for 1 venture lost all money. he has lot of failed business ventures but he sells them off it is no profit no loss kind of world for him, living off on earlier made money and has lot of fraud cases against him

    4. Both Raj and Shilpa have been posting happy family pictures on Instagram. So it’s all lies.

      Men are funny creatures. The new babe isn’t even as pretty as his wife. I feel bad for Shilpa though. Akshay jilted her for her own best friend who happened to be a super star’s daughter. I bet it made more financial sense to Akshay to marry Twinkle.

      Anyway, karma is a bitch. Afterall Raj dumped his wife and child for her.

      I assumed Shilpa makes a lot of money as she has a you tube channel, judges a reality show, does something related to food and yoga. Anyone has any idea what her net worth is?

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