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Blind Item – August 2017 – Bollywood

    The first blind item we have for you today is a nice and gossipy one. It was just yesterday we saw a news item on this situation, on how everything was fine between them. Obviously, things have not been fine for a long time and supposedly, they can’t even live under the same roof anymore. Sadly with this senior actress, she wants to have control over everything. Why would she feel the need to involve herself in her son’s life when her own daughter was supposedly involved with another man while still being married to her husband. The daughter has also been staying with them for a while now and everyone seems to know that things are over between her and her husband. Now the granddaughter is back home, she too has been going around here and there with them. She can forget about a career in Bollywood because there’s no way in hell this family will let her get into acting. Most likely, she will be married off to someone from an influential family.


    This is the problem here: one woman comes from a family that has no problem with letting their women work or be in films while the other woman only wants the ladies of her family to stay at home, look after their families because that’s the way she thinks a woman should be respectful to her home, husband and family. How can you be a woman in parliament fighting for women’s rights and yet, you can’t even let your daughter-in-law live her life the way she wants to?

    Also, how can these award shows be so ridiculous? They just make up random awards to make their guests happy. What is going on with that? Check out who Mumbai Mirror is talking about in the blind item below.


    Bollywood Blind Item

    A fashion magazine’s beauty awards show, which was held recently, had its fair share of controversy. As is the case with most magazines, several trophies were handed out to whichever celebrity was willing to show up. So an award for the first family of the film world was handed out, too. The award, received by the matriarch, her daughter and granddaughter, was presented by, well, the patriarch of the family. The rather beautiful daughter-in-law came on next, for another forgettable category, but the in-laws didn’t wait for their son’s wife to show up. And neither was she around when the family was being honoured. Of course, the tongue-wagging had started by then, and the denials of a cold war will probably start now.


    OSOP Guesses

    Fashion Magazine Beauty Awards Show: Vogue Beauty Awards

    First Family: The Bachchans

    Beautiful Daughter-In-Law: Aishwarya Rai Bachchan



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    17 thoughts on “Blind Item – August 2017 – Bollywood”

    1. ok, so i read the complete vogue article on the bachan women, but nobody even mentions aishwarya ever, in the whole article.They(jaya shweta and navya) talk about amitabh, abhishek, aradhya and even shweta’s husband, but not aishwarya. Its soo weird, like they are deliberately ignoring her.

    2. Jaya could have easily asked the mag to feature Aish alongside them. Having one more famous person won’t take away anything from the Nanda kid, whatever her name is. Even if Aish initially got her fame from being a beauty pageant winner, she has still worked hard in the movie biz and isn’t too bad at acting imo. Jaya needs to accept who her son likes.

    3. I thought it was totally weird that they tagged the daughter and grand daughter as Bachan ladies and left out Ash. If they are so traditional as they claim then technically their daughter and grand daughter is a Nanda and not Bachan anymore. Good for Ash for standing up to their nonsense . Abhishek is spineless for letting this shit go on in his house .

    4. One gave up a career to uphold patriarchal values, one never had a career because she was born with and then married the proverbial silver spoon, and the last hasn’t even started on a career before being handed an award.
      What did they say when presenting it? “The award for internalized patriarchy, nonchalant sloth, blatant nepotism goes to the Bachchan family!” See, I even used the high english that Amitabh prefers in his tweets.

      (P.S. My captcha code for this comment is FEKHA – so damn appropriate.)

    5. I think that is why Aish gone and buy her own pad. I dont think she would stand aside and let mama bachchan run her life, she is too independent. As for her husband I think he is too much of a mama’s boy to really side with his wife but hopefully aish would be woman enough to break that cord his mama have latch onto him. As for the granddaughter I dont think there is a place for her in bollywood cinemas, she is too hoity toity and I dont think any director will want to put up with that esp when there are so many new faces just waiting patiently and hopefully to be told what to do. As for the daughter, she is a nobody even with the bachchan name.

      1. Aishwarya is nobody. The best she could hope for after the bust up with Salman was some random industrialist in the Western hemisphere (and all the irrelevance that would come with it). If she went in any other family, she’d be long forgotten. The fact that she gets to preen around like a model in her 40s is because of the relevance that the name Bachchan carries. And no, she had no hand in it, she has just benefited off it.

        1. Aish is a nobody? rofl that reminds me of when somebody wants told me that aish just married abhi to get the bachchan name and be a somebody. I almost dies laughing. Aish is always highlighted world wide as one of the most beautiful women in the world. Everybody knew her and that was before she carried the bachchan name. I think somebody is just jealous of her because she is still reigning as queen in her forties, married and have a daughter while other actresses who are unmarried, childless are washed up as soon as they hit their 3os.

          1. Oh yeah, all that international fame! How many Hollywood movies did she do again? Get a grip, trini, we’ve had other, more mature beauty queens and they’re irrelevant, married or not. Aish was in the news for being pregnant, for attending awards, holi, voting. Nobody cares about the bevy of beauties who can’t act, what makes you think they’d care about Ash, at this point?

    6. bachchans are the most fake people in the industry. I think Abhishek is torn as where to show loyalty. Rules are different for Shweta and Ash.

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