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Taylor Swift on Elle Magazine

Man, has Taylor Swift just lost her innocent reputation? We know the world felt sorry for her when Kanye West jumped on stage and stole her moment of glory. Now after dating countless of boys and men, Taylor is stuck in the mud, hypothetically speaking of course! Actor, Michael J Fox has publicly said that he doesn’t want Taylor Swift anywhere near his son. According to him, having a girlfriend who makes a living off you is not a good idea. If you don’t know what he meant, well let us tell you that Taylor dates someone then break up with him. Next thing you know, she is writing a song on how bad he was to her or on how he cheated on her or on how he didn’t love her enough. Just ask John Mayer or Jake Gyllenhaal. Her latest boyfriend was Harry Styles from the UK boyband ‘One Direction’. Coincidentally, a lot of people have their money on Harry as the closet gay from the band. What do you think?









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