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Know More on How to Make your Laminate Floors Shine

Laminate Floors Shine

The great alternative for traditional hardwood floors are the laminate floors as they are affordable, durable and require low-maintenance. Laminate floors are made from thin sheets of compressed wood panels covered with a decorative paper layer. Then the sheets will be coated with a clear protective finish. The appearance of laminate flooring looks the same as wood because the paper topping layer is actually a photograph of real wood grain. The best thing about laminate flooring is that they are easy to clean and will last for many years to come with regular maintenance. Here are some practical ways on how to make your laminate flooring shine.


You will need:

Broom, dust pan, bucket, laminate cleaner, furniture coasters, water, mop, rags



  1. First, remove any dirt and debris from the floor surface by sweeping the room thoroughly. Make sure that the corners, entrances where the dust and debris tend to accumulate is cleaned. To remove the furniture that you want to clean behind, use furniture coasters or carpet squares. These tools will help to prevent the furniture from scratching and destroying your laminate surface.
  2. Then, make a cleaning solution by adding a small amount of laminate floor cleaner to a bucket of water. Some of laminate floor cleaner might have different mixing portion to use so look at the instruction or label on how to use it. You can find the laminate floor cleaner at most grocery stores or hardware stores.
  3. When the cleaning solution is ready, dip your mop into it. Squeeze all of the excess water out from the mop. Clean the floor with even and smooth strokes that go with the direction of the wood grain. Continue the process until all of the area is mopped.
  4. Next, dry the floor that you have cleaned by using a dry mop or rag. This will remove any remaining of dirt that is left behind. This will also prevent the water from damaging or warping the floor. Leave the floor for several hours or until completely dry.
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