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How to Stop Cats from Pooping in your Sandpit


Sandpits are one of the easiest things that you can construct in your backyard for your children to play in. Unfortunately, keeping it safe enough for them to play in can prove to be a chore, especially if you have a cat in the house. Sand to cats is what toilets are to humans. Not only is cat poop harmful to your children’s health, it also smells very badly.


How to Stop Cats from Pooping in your Sandpit

How do you Stop Cats Pooping in your Garden

Cover it. The best way to prevent a cat from pooping in your sandpit is to cover it with a huge plank whenever it is not used. When constructing your sandpit, remember to construct as well, a cover that fits it. Covering your sandpit not only deters cats from pooping in it, it also prevents it from becoming wet and clumpy when it rains.

How to Stop cats Pooping in your Garden

Use water. Keep a spray bottle of water nearby that you can use to squirt water at the cat whenever it comes hear the sandpit. This would send the message across that it is not supposed to do its business anywhere near the area. Use cat deterrents. Organic or commercial, there are plenty of things that you can add to your sandbox that will keep the cats away. This includes planting garden basil around your sandbox that is low enough for your children to step over, but is strong enough to keep the cats away because they do not like the smell of basil.

How to Stop Cats Pooping in Garden

Other organic cat deterrents include citrus essential oils, garlic cloves, vinegar and red wine vinegar. If you don’t have the time, you can also buy ready-to-use cat repellents in a bottle that can be found in most pet stores and vets. However, make sure that the repellents do not contain substances that are harmful to human bodies.Replace the sand in the sandpit with would chip a wood chip mixture. The next time you replace the sand in your sandpit, try a wood chip mixture, instead of a pure sand mixture. Not only does it deter cats from pooping in your sandpit, wood chip mixture is also cheaper and does not stain clothes.

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