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Hollywood Blind Items – Royal Edition

In the midst of all the royal drama that has been happening since Sunday, let’s check out the previous blind items regarding this situation to see if they are relevant now. These blind items date back to two years ago as well as a few recently ones.

One thing that is clear, it is not as simple and upfront as it is being made out to be. People’s reactions are based on what they are hearing without any logic or common sense applied to it.

Just because you don’t agree with what was said in the interview doesn’t mean you are racist. In fact, race is being used to conveniently create the necessary noise and damage. Race wouldn’t have been an issue if the party involved got what they wanted. Little did they know, the other party involved have had years of going through nonsensical dramas and actually have experience dealing with worse things.

Also, on the same topic, your friends can be nice to you but horrible to the help. These people coming out to defend her learned nothing from the Ellen DeGeneres scandal!

Check out all the previous blind items posted by BlindGossip about the royal family and the situation they have found themselves in. It’s amazing how accurate these blind items have been about this situation from the beginning. Usually, blind items are 90% correct or fake. This time, it seems they had a source who was telling them all of these things. From the beginning, it was said that all she wanted was to be famous and powerful.

Well…She is now!


Hollywood Blind Items

Royal Edition


The Calculated Baby

We’ve told you several times that this famous actress is taking no chances with her family.

Her family planning, that is!

We let you know what her pregnancy schedule was from the very beginning. Indeed, she has stuck to that schedule.

The only thing we were unsure of in the past was how she was going to pull this off.

After all, since she was on a tight schedule, her plan couldn’t just be left to chance or based on luck or hope.

Well, we now have some insight into the logistics!

We can sum it up for you in three letters: I.V.F.

Unwilling to put all of her faith in Mother Nature, our TV actress and her famous husband got busy with visits to the doctor even before that ring was on her finger.

Why? Because egg viability, egg health and the ability to carry to term were all concerns.

Some might say it was calculating. Others might say it was the logical thing to do given that she was pushing forty.

Fortunately for them, they wound up with multiple viable embryos. They banked them so she could be implanted X months after the wedding.

Although there were rumors out there that the baby wasn’t really theirs, we will tell you that they did not need to use anyone else’s eggs or anyone else’s sperm. The baby is absolutely theirs from a genetic perspective. Sorry, conspiracy theorists!

The couple’s biggest concern was privacy. They didn’t want anyone on the outside to know what they were doing. There was a lot of sneaking around and misdirection.

A couple of interesting notes.

First, they didn’t begin this process in either his country or her country. The initial doctor visits and lab work were done in a third country.

Second, a handful of people on her side know about this. However, he did not tell any of his family and friends. We don’t know why. Supposedly, they still have no idea.

Third, there were some genetic concerns, so they went through all the screening processes to ensure healthy embryos.

Finally, they didn’t want to leave anything to chance. They chose to do gender selection.

We’re looking forward to the next calculated baby!


Only One Way Back For Fredo

How do you handle relatives who go against the family?

Whether you love or hate this actress, there is no doubt that she has changed her husband’s life.

It looks like that may not have been enough for her, though. She was seeking to change his family, too!

Was his family shocked by what transpired?

No. [The couple] has repeatedly “bit the hand that fed them” over the past couple of years. All that they were given was ever enough.

When his family had enough and “withdrew” the hand, they knew that there would likely be a vicious response and they were right. It was inevitable. Sad and unpleasant, but inevitable.

What do you think the couple’s goal was?

This was not an innocent sharing of feelings. This was a deliberate attempt to hurt his family.

How would the couple benefit from that?

She seems to believe that if they portray his family as evil and themselves as innocent victims, they can simultaneously take down his family and elevate themselves as brave or heroic.

Could that happen?

This is not the first time someone has attempted to hurt the family. While the family cannot directly respond in kind, they will endure.

Are the couple victims?

She is not innocent nor is she a victim. In fact, much of her past was quietly handled by his family to protect her so as not to become an issue.

He is not innocent either. He knows that many of his past indiscretions were also quietly handled in a way to protect him.

Thus the assertion that they were not protected is erroneous.

Frankly, she was caught engaging in untrustworthy behavior from the beginning, so she should be grateful that the family protected her.

What did she do that was untrustworthy?

There was an incident of her surreptitiously taking photos at a family member’s home. She was never invited to the home again and seems to have held a special grudge against those family members since then.

We know that story very well.

So, is this all on her?

No. His participation in this exercise is abhorrent as well. He has shown himself to be weak and disloyal. He thinks he is a hero turning against his own family but he is a fool.

What would it take to reconcile the parties?

The only way back is without her. If they divorce and he returns, the family will cautiously welcome him back.


Alarming Around The Children

Of all the family members that this actress could be targeting with her anger, she seems to have chosen a certain female relative.

Want to know why? Of course you do!

The popular version is has to do with some sort of spat before a family event.

In fact, that event was not the catalyst.

You actually have to go back a couple of years for this one.

It was one of the very first times the actress was brought into contact with her future brother-in-law, his wife, and their children.

Actress was on her best behavior, and was trying to impress her future BIL and SIL with how much she enjoyed meeting their family and spending time with them.

It was a casual event. The children were running around being noisy and playful.

At one point, Actress excused herself to another room to make a phone call.

She somehow wound up alone with one of the children.

Perhaps the child simply ran into the room looking for her?

Whatever the case, what happened next was the catalyst.

The Actress snapped a couple of quick photos of the child.

Perhaps it was innocent. Perhaps not.

When [SIL] found out, though, she was alarmed. They had just met [Actress] and she could not believe that [Actress] would try to photograph [Child] without parental consent in the few seconds that they were alone.

Actress tried to pass it off as some sort of innocent, spur-of-the-moment decision, but SIL never trusted her again after that.

What else had Actress done?

Had she secretly photographed or recorded them? The children? The house? Other members of the family?

That meetup did not bring them together as family. If anything, it created distrust and a desire to keep a safe distance from Actress.

It may have also been one of the reasons BIL suggested to his brother that he should slow down the relationship.

Perhaps that was when Actress decided that SIL was her enemy.

Perhaps that is why Actress leaks stories to the media to try to portray SIL as a less-than-perfect mother and person. Someone who is privileged and cold and unwelcoming. Perhaps even… unaccepting of her race? Actress has been playing the victim for a while now, so we should not be surprised at any accusation she might make.

So, what was Actress planning to do with those photos?

That’s a good question.

We did find out later that Actress actually kept a diary of all family interactions. Perhaps those “innocent” photos, taken in secret, were meant to be part of that comprehensive chronicle.

We’ll see.


The Enemy Diaries

When there are conflicts within families, they are not always about one thing.

However, one thing may be just enough to push everyone over the edge!

Earlier this year, there was a story that this couple had been unable to attend a family vacation.

Your friends at Blind Gossip told you that was not true, and that they were actually unwelcome.

Now, as history is repeating itself, we have an another story that might provide some insight as to why this family feud is continuing.

You see, somebody has been keeping a journal.

A very, very detailed journal.

This journal or dairy supposedly contains every secret she has been told by [Her Husband) and every encounter she has had with his family thus far.

While we don’t know exactly what’s in it, it could contain anything from Grandma’s tendency to fart when she laughs to Uncle Pervy’s legal defense strategy.

She may fancy herself a writer of sorts, but the purpose of this journal is highly suspect.

She is a relentless publicity-seeker. She has been adept at turning [Her Husband] away from the family. She seems to view the family as her competition, not as her allies. Her behavior is always calculated and self-serving.

That is not the behavior of someone who is striving to fit in.

The family is extremely wary of her long-term intentions.

The purpose of the diary is a good question.

Is it for the personal release of emotions?

Is it her insurance policy to assure her position within the family?

Is she planning to do something nefarious with its contents?

Leak details to the media?

Write a tell-all book?

Blackmail one or more family members?

This uncertainty of her intentions is what has everyone on edge.

They do not trust her to keep their secrets and they certainly are not going to put themselves in harm’s way by inviting her to family holidays where intimate details of their lives are discussed.

She is… the enemy within!



Stockholm Boy

Many people have been wondering why this family has not been more brutal and decisive in cutting out its rogue members.

Fortunately, we have some insight from an insider!

The family is thinking about the long-term implications.

While they are upset about what is happening, they do believe there will come a time in which he will return to them.

What time is that?

They believe there will be a divorce within five years.

So, what is their strategy?

They must allow him to go but keep in contact and leave the door open for him to return.

If they close the door on him, he might feel obligated to stay in the marriage longer because there would be no where else for him to go.

What about his wife?

The most frequent word I hear used to describe her internally is “duplicitous.”

They know that from the beginning she has said or done whatever she needed to do to capture him, all while planning to do the exact opposite after marriage.

They call it a “long con.”

If they knew this, why didn’t they warn him?

They did so repeatedly! Any warnings from the family were summarily dismissed by him.

This is a powerful family. Can’t they take her down?

Despite the conspiracy theories, his family will not “take her out” or publicly “take her down.”

They have dual objectives: To get him to return to the family, and to protect the family. To do both requires great restraint on their part.

For example, they know that they can not criticize her openly.  Criticizing her would only result in his defense of her and in her positioning herself as the victim or martyr.

Unfortunately, she has conditioned him to see her as his only ally and his family as the enemy.

So, does this mean that his family will work with her?

Only in so much as to facilitate his return. That is a primary objective.

That wording almost makes him sound like he is being held captive.

In many respects, he is an emotional hostage who is siding with his captor.

He is not locked up in a room, but he is emotionally tied to her because she has successfully alienated him from everyone else in his life.

She is in charge and he will not work against her.

That sounds like Stockholm Syndrome. Can’t his family pay her a “ransom” to get him back?

Right now, she is confident that she can make much more money with him than by giving him up. That is what makes this situation so unusual.

It certainly will be interesting to see how this all plays out!


The Mean Girls Strategy

If you are a fan of the movie Mean Girls, you may remember a scene in which some of the characters devise a plan of attack on The Plastics.

Janis Ian (played by Lizzy Caplan) and Damien (Daniel Franzese) befriend new student Cady Heron (Lindsay Lohan).

They tell her about a terrible group of girls called The Plastics. They then work together to take down The Plastics, methodically listing each point of attack.

There is a similar war going on right now in real life between two famous parties and one party is using this same strategy.

The Mean Girl in this case is a TV actress who married well but wants more. In order to elevate herself, she has been painting herself as the pure and virtuous protagonist… and everyone else as the horrible and evil antagonists.

She’s a victim, yo!

The victim of what? Everything! Misogyny, classism, racism, whatever.

Where the heck is Actress’ husband in all this?

He seems to be in some sort of haze and relegated to the role of her assistant or accomplice.

The Actress’ list of antagonists is long and distinguished: her own family, her husband’s family, the media, the people of an entire country, etc.

Let’s focus on her husband’s family, as they are The Antagonists of The Week who are currently being dragged into battle with her.

They are none too pleased about it.

The Family believes they rolled out the red carpet to Actress and welcomed her into the fold.

However, according to Actress, they treated her badly, they didn’t train her, they didn’t protect her, they didn’t let her do what she wanted, etc. While she won’t label them directly, she clearly wants you to think of them as bad people. Misogynists, classists, racists, whatever.

Her husband’s family are not about to let those assertions go unanswered.

While they can’t directly defend themselves (it’s complicated), they can attack back in a less direct manner.

They are basically taking the Mean Girls approach!

While they ordinarily would not go on the offensive against [a member of their own family], her appalling actions have left them little choice but to lay bare her hypocrisy.

Every characteristic that [The Actress] considers part of her virtuous and superior “brand” will be dismantled piece by piece.

That means that there is a list. A list of behaviors and actions that expose who she really is and will undermine her brand when made public.

Cady Heron could not attack The Mean Girls directly and all at once. However, she could methodically chip away at them bit by bit. So she did.

After defeating the Mean Girls, Cady Heron wound up winning Spring Fling Queen, complete with a crown on her head.

Let’s see who takes the crown in this war!


Wounded Little Boy

While everyone is up in arms about how to deal with a couple of members of this famous family who are seemingly beyond their control, an insider provides a glimpse as to exactly how it happened.

She was quite cunning. She talked to him about his mother all the time. She used the pain he felt about losing his mother to make him rely on her and to turn him against everyone else in his family.

She told him that he is actually “a wounded little boy” and that his family was  wrong for making him act stoically. She also told him that he should never forget how terribly his family treated his mother.

She encouraged him to talk about his feelings and told him the more he lets the sadness and anger out both privately and in public, the sooner his pain would heal. He cried with her and she comforted him like his mother would.

She told him that once he was able to choose for himself and act independently from his family, they would fulfill his mother’s legacy together.

This does explain his recent surge in discussing his feelings in public… his newfound temper… as well as his alienation from his family.

But did he simply trade one controlling entity for another?


Her Own Game

Just when you thought this couple was trying to behave themselves and polish up their tarnished image… they went and did something dumb again!

From an insider:

In the family’s view, the matter was a minor one and would have been completely inconsequential if she hadn’t sought to resurrect it and bring attention to it. A public law suit and a trial over such a trivial matter are in shockingly poor taste. It simply isn’t done.

It is difficult to describe the angst that this has caused. The family believes that she is the one who instigated this and that [Her Husband] is simply an unwitting fool for acquiescing to her wishes.

They are quite disturbed by her constant attention-seeking, as well as her puzzling need to simultaneously play victim and hero. None of those qualities speak to the quiet dignity which they hoped she would comport herself. There is not a single family member willing to come to her defence at this point.

She seems to think that this is a game and that she is outwitting them. She spoke of wanting to be part of the family, but has convinced [Her Husband] to break from nearly every family tradition in order to side with her and play this game with her. He has become almost completely isolated from all family members in the process. The situation is untenable. Unfortunately, there is no solution in sight.

Perhaps she thinks she is outwitting them… but all she has succeeded in doing is irritating them them so far!

We’ll see who “wins” in the end.

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