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Blind Item – January 2018 6

The first blind item for today comes from Rajeev Masand. It is concerning a delicate and sensitive topic, so if you think that we got our OSOP Guesses wrong, feel free to point us in the right direction. A part of the blind item reminds us of this news item we were reading just this morning about Hollywood’s ultimate pervert and creep, Harvey Weinstein.

As for the blind item below, we have heard similar stories before. As for him, it was said that he swings the other way, as opposed to what the blind item is saying. Maybe he swings both ways like his perfect friend, who only makes out with him when he’s drunk in public.

As for her, the less said the better. They all abuse their power, but who is she to tell young ladies that they must go under the knife? It’s ironic that in that movie company, everyone thinks that they should give out plastic surgery advice to young girls. It’s like they have a membership or get a commission every time they send someone to do plastic or cosmetic surgery. They should look in the mirror first before giving out this advice to naive young ladies.

Just check out the blind item to see who Rajeev is talking about.


Bollywood Blind Item



Time’s Not Up in the Hindi Film Industry

The discussion around sexual harassment and exploitation at the workplace has gotten louder on local shores too.

I’ve heard the professional conduct of at least two popular casting directors being seriously discussed at recent gatherings. Two former assistants of one influential casting head revealed that their jobs involved “cleaning up” after their boss had “had her way” with some young hopeful. They described the said big shot’s appetite for strapping young fellas as an “open secret”. The same person was known to make young girls who came to her for acting opportunities especially insecure about their bodies, routinely recommending cosmetic surgery and “boob jobs” to correct their ‘shortcomings’.

The second casting director, I was informed, had a habit of sending messages to young women he was professionally mentoring,asking them to come for “meetings” late at night. He was infamous among cinema strugglers for showering extra attention on women who were “pliable”.

From what one has been given to understand, these examples are a drop in the ocean when it comes to exploitation in tinsel town. The fear of taking names remains one of the reasons that culprits aren’t taken to task. But in a landscape where men openly accused of crossing the line continue to go about their lives without fear of consequence, it’s hard to say when ‘time’s up’ will be called for sexual misconduct in Bollywood.


OSOP Guesses

Female Casting Head: Shanoo Sharma


Male Casting Head: Mukesh Chhabra


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